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Police reinforcement for Saint John's Eve


Wednesday, 19th June 2024


The public company Calvià 2000 also foresees an increase in containers and in the intensity of cleaning on the occasion of the festivity

This Sunday is Saint John's Eve and Es Carregador beach is going to celebrate the Melodía FM radio format party, with a music programme for all tastes. Starting at 8:30 p.m., a batucada (drums performance) parade will begin from McDonald's to the main stage. Around 9:15 p.m., the stage will vibrate with the music of DJ Fernando Megía, who promises catchy rhythms. The After Suns concert will be at 10 p.m., this local band will offer a varied repertoire that will keep energy throughout the evening. Later, at 11:30 p.m., DJs Juan Campos and Txema Sánchez will take over so the audience can continue dancing with electronic music sessions.

For its part, COPE Mallorca is preparing a great celebration for Saint John's Eve in the Plaza de la Pinada (pinewood square) in Santa Ponça. At 9:30 p.m., the 'La Movida Band' concert will begin, which will review the best Spanish pop rock hits from the 80s and 90s. At 11:00 p.m., Carlos Moreno 'El Pulpo' will take over with a show full of hits to dance non-stop. Admission is free of charge and everyone is invited to have a good time responsibly.

Police reinforcement

About twenty police officers will reinforce the usual units during Saint John's Eve, between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m., especially in traffic management at the entrances to the two concerts, as well as in Peguera for the correfoc (fire performance). The police officers will close traffic to the access to Palmanova from the Spanish flag roundabout and to Santa Ponça from Jaime I roundabout to Lisboa street. In Peguera, a specific cut will take place between the Eroski roundabout and Niza street. This reinforcement aims to guarantee the safety and proper development of the festive events scheduled in these areas.

It is recalled that the municipal ordinance sanctions the practice of drinking on roads and public spaces with 500€, since it often generates noise nuisance that affects the rest of the neighbours and generates waste. However, young people between 14 and 17 years old who are sanctioned for the first time for consuming alcohol, drinking or consuming illicit drugs in public spaces, have the option of requesting Alternative Measures to the Sanction.

More cleaning

Calvià 2000 has planned a reinforcement plan for Saint John's Eve. 125 additional containers of 240 litres volume will be distributed along the beach promenades of the busiest beaches in the municipality. The next day, a team of 60 workers will be deployed at 6:30 in the morning to intensively clean the beaches and surrounding areas. The intervention will focus mainly on Palmanova and Santa Ponça, although the cleaning actions will be extended to all beaches. The goal is to ensure a clean and safe environment for both, residents and visitors.

It should be taken into account that Calvià beaches expect a large crowd of people during Saint John's Eve: because of the two radio station concerts scheduled that tonight, because it falls on a Sunday and the next day is a holiday in Palma, and because the young people have finished their exams. This combination of factors will predictably attract a large attendance, creating a festive and lively atmosphere in one of the most anticipated events of the year.