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IFOC - training in private establishments


Thursday, 7th September 2023


The employment agency has presented the new training offer for this course

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The Calvià Training and Employment Institute (IFOC) wants courses focused on employment to be carried out in facilities that are most similar to the place where work will be carried out. To this end, we are in contact with several business associations that close in the low season - or have fewer clients - to reach an agreement and optimise the use of spaces, which would facilitate a significant learning improvement. The key is to carry out practical training in spaces that are as similar as possible to those that students will find in the real work world.

One of the objectives of the IFOC in this new stage is to expand the training offer, incorporating new spaces to carry it out. The solution involves an agreement between the local employment agency and companies that lend their facilities in order to train students who want to improve their employability. Along with these private establishments, the classrooms of the IFOC and CEPA (Adult Education Centre) public institutions are also available to students.

The IFOC's manager, Fernando Palmer, in statements to Ràdio Calvià, has assured that "in the low season in Calvià many companies are not active and it would be ideal to fit training courses into the months of inactivity." Fernando Palmer's proposal is to continue expanding programmes and create a public-private collaboration, for instance, "given the need for qualified labour in hotels, it would be ideal that the necessary training was already given in a hotel."

The IFOC management's proposal to increase the number of training programmes entails expanding the number of spaces to carry them out, which currently limits the possibilities of the employment agency. To work in this direction, Palmer has started a round of contacts with business associations to arrange the necessary training in exchange for the transfer of spaces. One of the main current demands, from both employers and workers, is cooking training in professional facilities.

During this month of September, a large part of the IFOC's training offer begins, with face-to-face and online courses, and aimed at unemployed, employed and permanent seasonal hired people who want to complete their training, specialise in their sector or obtain an official qualification that certifies the work experience. All information on IFOC's training and employment offers, as well as registration deadlines and requirements, can be found on its website www.ifoc.es.